Friday, October 5, 2012

Some old pumpkins

Thought I would get myself in the mood by posting some old pumpkins I did, for anyone who hasn't seen them (ie non-facebook friends I guess).

This is one of my award-winning pumpkins (and for award, read La Fee absinthe)

Own design of fairies holding an absinthe cup. This pumpkin fell on the floor moments before I took this picture so a lot of the detail has been lost where it hit the ground!

Pale man in Pan's Labyrinth. He sits in front of a large feast, totally still until a small child eats of the feast. And then he eats the small child.

Spiderman. This is the second of two spideys I made.

Black Swan. Let's not all point out where I went stupidly wrong with this design shall we? I think we all know.

Someone asked me to make a bat, perhaps with a Fleur de lys motif included. So I came up with this multi-experience pumpkin. A bat: without fleur de lys; with black fleur de lys inside the pumpkin; and with light fleur outside of the pumpkin (on the wall).

This was a teeny pumpkin I did early October just to get in the mood.

A Clockwork Kitty. The design is taken from a drawing of the Clockwork Kitty idea.

Hobgoblin from Marvel Comics. Nose absent presumed missing.

 Hallowe'en, it is all about the beer really. Quite pleased with this one.

The skins from Ursula Vernon's EXCELLENT comic Digger. You really should read it, you know.

Carving, I am

First template pumpkin I ever did. Sorry about the terrible picture.

First pumpkin I drew and designed from scratch.

 Alas, poor Yorick. This was the last pumpkin of 2011, I had planned to do graves and a procession in the background, but I went to the pub instead.

Chernabourg from the end of Fantasia. Again, copied (from Disney) but 'designed' myself.

An absolutely frigging insane my little pony pumpkin I did that took absolutely all day and left me too tired to take decent pictures of it

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